Venice to bergamo train, G2Rail - Train&Bus Booking

Venice to bergamo train

Поиск билетов на самолет, поезд, автобус. Поиск дешевых рейсов. Самый жаркий месяц. Средняя мин. Самолеты недоступны.

Венеция Местре ЖД станция в Бергамо. Венеция Местре ЖД станция. Только туда. Выбрать дату. Лучшие варианты.

С раннего до позднего. Станция отправления.

Venice to bergamo train

Станция прибытия. Поезда недоступны. Паромы недоступны. Самолеты недоступны. Такси недоступны.

Venice to bergamo train

Микроавтобусы недоступны. The interiors have been enriched and embellished with masterworks financed in the 18 th century by the owners of that period a member of the same family was also a notable senator of the Republic of Venice in the first half of the 19 th century. The walls of the apartments, including the one we are talking about, are still nowadays decorated with works by important Venetian painters such as Giovanni Scajario , Jacopo Guarana and Francesco Zugno Particularly interesting is a series of allegoric frescoes narrating the story of Aeneas and Dido , found in the main hall and painted by Giustino Menescardi between and The palazzo , as we see it today, is laid over three floors.

From the property, located close to the Ponte degli Scalzi , one can easily reach on foot the most famous monuments and landmarks of Venice.

Venice to bergamo train

Дом в Историческом Центре. Недвижимость в Италии.

Venice to bergamo train

Панорамный вид. Исторический центр.

Venice to Milan: A Spectacular Ride on Italy's High Speed Train

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